Palisades Fire Client Intake Form and Checklist

1. Client Information

Full Name: ________________________________________________

Previous Client: ____________________

Date: ___________

Phone Number: _______________

Email Address: ___________________________________

Current Address: ________________________________________________________________________________

Project Address: _________________________________________________________________________________

2. Client Status Checklist

  1. Insurance – Have you begun the process with your Insurance Company:

    o Yes o No

  2. FEMA – Have you filed with FEMA or other Federal, State and Local resources:

    o Yes o No o N/A

  3. Previous Documentation: Do you have access to Previously Permitted Plans/Survey for your property:
    o Yes o No

  4. Permit Expediting Services Required:
    o Parcel Permit History & Previously Approved Plans research and retreival
    o For New Project Submittal
    o Both

  5. Potential Scope of Work for Rebuild:
    o Rebuild previous structures as permitted
    o Build to within 110% footprint of Previously Approved Structures o Build entirely new scope of work

  6. Project Budget:


  7. Project Timeline:


3. Additional Notes
